IDC-Video is an online platform, which supplies online training and education for engineers, technicians and technologists. We have provided training and assistance to over 500,000 engineers in the past 25 years.

We offer video courses for the following engineering categories:


What we offer

We offer numerous engineering video courses for self-paced training. The videos are situated on this website, and can be accessed 24/7 for a period of 2 years.

Once the two years have expired for the course, a minor renewal fee will need to be paid to extend the course further. The Course List page will display all the relevant prices of each individual course.

Most of the courses have one or two eBooks attached. These collaborate with the videos, allowing you to further enhance your understanding about the topics.



While EIT (Engineering Institute of Technology) is IDC's sister company, there is significant difference between both organisations.

EIT offers accredited courses that allow you to interact with a lecturer.

IDC-Video offers self-paced video courses that originate from EIT, but are compressed to a few hours. You receive a certificate once all the videos have been watched in an IDC-Video course, but it does not make you certified (unlike EIT).


We use Vimeo as a host for the videos, as we have determined it to be the most effective and simplest video streaming website.

vimeo player display



We have two methods available of viewing the eBooks:

vimeo player display

CopySafe Reader (Offline)

We use Artiscope’s Copysafe reader to display our eBooks. You simply have to download the Copysafe Reader, and open the eBook file through the software.

Please be advised that CopySafe is only available for Windows operating systems.

Flipbooks (Online)

The eBooks can also be viewed online. Select View Online on the eBook module, and then the eBook will be presented online.

While Flipbooks are compatible for all operating systems, please be sure to view them through Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.


Other websites:

IDC-Video is a subset of IDC Technologies, and the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT). These organizations can offer more intensive, face to face training.